Skin Beautiful

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What is LaseMD?

LaseMD is a non-ablative fractional laser from Lutronic, a cutting-edge laser company. Nonablative lasers create microchannels in the skin to stimulate the body's natural healing process and the production of collagen. As the skin ages, collagen production gradually slows down and existing fibers break down, leading to skin sagging and wrinkles. LaseMD encourages tissue renewal in the deeper layers of the skin to set back the clock on skin aging with significant improvements and dramatic results.

For an added collagen boost, add PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) to your treatment. PRF is a rich source of natural healing and growth factors that can further enhance your results and speed up healing for less downtime.

Who is a Candidate for LaseMD?

LaseMD treatments are safe for most skin types and skin tones. However, patients should wait to receive treatment if they have an active skin infection like acne or cold sores.

LaseMD can treat a variety of conditions, including:

  • Sun damage

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Hyperpigmentation and melasma

  • Scarring and rough skin texture

  • Dull skin tone

Patients with mild to moderate signs of aging might prefer this treatment since the LaseMD laser is more gentle than other forms of laser resurfacing. To determine the best option for your specific concerns and treatment goals, schedule a consultation with our team of skin specialists.

The LaseMD Procedure

LaseMD is administered in our comfortable office space and is minimally painful for most patients. A topical numbing cream will be applied before your treatment to minimize discomfort. Once your skin is cleansed, the laser device will be passed over the surface and you will feel a mild warming sensation. LaseMD treatments will take approximately 1 hour including numbing time.

LaseMD Results

Non-ablative lasers leave the outer layer of the skin intact so there is minimal recovery team. Your skin will be red and sensitive for a few days as it heals so we recommend avoiding strenuous activity for 2-3 days and sun exposure for 2-3 weeks following your treatment. Cell turnover and new collagen growth will gradually reveal healthier skin with a more even texture and tone. Depending on the severity of the conditions being treated, a series of treatments may be needed for optimal results.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about LaseMD treatment and how you can benefit, schedule a consultation today at Skin Beautiful Medspa in Scottsdale, AZ. Our team of skin experts looks forward to meeting you and helping you get started on a customized treatment plan.

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